Do You Love Someone Who Loves Art?

BlogTBarnygift, sculpture, art buying

It’s that time of year when we want to give those we love meaningful gifts. Art is a very intimate gift but it is scary to choose a piece because Art is so personal and so permanent.  However, if you take the chance and buy someone Art, you are giving them a gift that says you know them on a deeper, more committed level.

DIAPHANES - ‘Transparent in Greek’, Moroccan Selenite Sculpture

DIAPHANES - ‘Transparent in Greek’, Moroccan Selenite Sculpture

Giving abstract as opposed to figurative or realistic art avoids the pitfall that a particular person, place or object maybe disliked by the recipient. The abstract piece can represent memories, feelings or sensations for your own relationship.

NACRE - ‘Pearl’, Utah Calcite Sculpture

NACRE - ‘Pearl’, Utah Calcite Sculpture

The T Barny Mobius sculptures do this. The Mobius form is known for having one side/one edge. Follow the line of a T Barny piece and you will come back to where you started without lifting your finger.  All of T Barny’s stone pieces contain this Mobius form. Some are more complex in their shapes…. just like many relationships. T Barny named his classic Mobius ‘Catena’ that means ‘chain of connected ideas.’ It can say to someone that you are connected to them, that your relationship is eternal.

CATENA B - ‘Chain of Connected Ideas’, Bronze, Ruby Patina - Edition of 25

CATENA B - ‘Chain of Connected Ideas’, Bronze, Ruby Patina - Edition of 25

Circo, another T Barny mobius sculpture is also reproduced in jewelry.

CIRCO Wearable Sculptures in Gold Dipped, Sable and Alabaster.

CIRCO Wearable Sculptures in Gold Dipped, Sable and Alabaster.

There is another advantage to giving sculpture as a gift. You are not asking the recipient to replace something already on their walls. They get to pick a space where it best fits in their home.  And it doesn’t even have to match their sofa!!!!

CIRCO - ‘To Traverse”, Bronze Sculpture in a collector’s office.

CIRCO - ‘To Traverse”, Bronze Sculpture in a collector’s office.

So take a chance; buy someone you love a piece of art this Christmas.

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