25 H x 16 W x 16 in.


SPHAIRA – ‘Ancient Greek for Sphere’

Utah Calcite

The title for this “super ellipsoid” shape, carved in Utah Calcite, is in reference to the “sphere” that is described by its interior edges; sort of like the stitches on a baseball without the “ball”. An ellipsoid is a quadric surface that is defined as the zero set of a polynomial of degree in two in three variables. A superellipse, also known as a Lamé curve, after Gabriel Lamé, is a closed curve resembling the ellipse, retaining the geometric features of semi-major axis and semi-minor axis, and symmetry about them, but a different overall shape for this sculpture.

- T Barny

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SPHAIRA - In situ with natural lighting

SPHAIRA - In situ with natural lighting